July 15, 2011

Bloomberg to join Snyder for conference on drawing immigrants to Michigan

New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg - who recently said on national television that all immigrants should come to Detroit - will be participating in a local conference on how immigrants can boost the economy, officials confirmed Thursday. The conference, to be held Monday at Wayne State University, will be Gov. Rick Snyder\'s first major speech on immigrants, whom he sees as playing a vital role in getting Michigan back on the path to prosperity. Bloomberg will be participating via teleconference, along with former Compuware CEO Peter Karmanos Jr., Detroit City Councilman Ken Cockrell Jr. and WSU President Allan Gilmour.

http://www.crainsdetroit.com/article/20110714/FREE/110719942 http://www.mlive.com/politics/index.ssf/2011/07/michael_bloomberg_to_join_rick.html

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